Friday, November 14, 2008

Inspired Instinct

My first feature is a very talented graphic artist and friend of mine 'Inspired Instinct' - I have known Inspired for many years and I just love her creativity! - she is always very helpful and has an excellent eye for detail. I am proud of my store banner and thank you cards that were all made by this very talented artist! - it was also Inspired Instinct that first introduced me to Etsy, so I have a lot to thank her for!! :)

Please check her store out!

In her own words..

As my Grandfather once said.. "I was born at a very early age" & grew up in Nottingham, England. I've moved around locally living in Derby for a short time (3 years - too long) but now find myself living back in Nottingham with my partner, I think it was a subconscious decision based on the realization that Robin Hood jokes are somewhat cleaner than sheep jokes hehe

I've always had a flair for art & design coupled with a creative imagination or as in the words of my father 'in a world of my own'... another symptom of this was present too... the very thought of Mathematics and Geography always sent me (and still does) cowering into the corner clutching a security cushion with a quivering bottom lip!

I've been along the ups and downs of conventional employment, tried my hand at quite a few different things but none have ever really seemed to gel, for this I blame the late invention of computers (when I was in school there was one 'BBC Model A' that the Headmaster had in his big scary office locked away hehe) and it was only when I developed an addiction for computers later in life that my design ideas started to emerge. I'm also sure that this was an indirect result of being made to share a ZX Spectrum with my brother, as children.

I taught myself most of what I know with my ideas, enthusiasm and determination (and the odd course thrown in for good measure). I still have a long 'to learn' list which I’m slowly working through and gaining experience in my design work.

At 34, I’m building an extensive portfolio which will eventually enable me to give up my day job and pursue my passion full time!

Thank you for reading my ramblings"

InspiredInstinct's Shop Announcement

"Welcome to Inspired Instinct Designs. I am a freelance artist, graphic designer, poet & all round creative being.

I offer you a friendly, personal service and produce designs to compliment your own ideas & creativity - A unique identity, which will give your store a professional & eye catching individuality.

Maybe Etsy is your first online store, or maybe you'd like an Etsy header design to match an existing website? Please convo me if you have any questions. I'm happy to discuss any ideas and requirements without obligation.

My services don't stop at Etsy headers. I design anything from CD Artwork to business cards & for any theme or image. I also design & build basic HTML starter websites and stores so if there's something you're looking for just ask away, I'd be happy to help!"

Buy Handmade


Inspired Instinct Design said...

Many thanks for the great feature! Its a true honour :)

Whimsicalstars said...

You've been tagged!